Don't Let Social Media Impact Your Divorce

Law Blog

Oftentimes, lawyers recommend that their divorcing clients avoid dating websites until their divorce is over. You will not want to introduce additional conflict into your life when tensions are already riding high. However, you may want to even avoid social media and other forms of online communication in general until your divorce is over.

The Problem with Social Media

An overwhelming majority of divorce cases involve posts made on social media. If your ex hired a lawyer, the legal team will likely be combing through your social media accounts to find evidence that could potentially be used against you.

Anything you say that is negative toward your spouse might be used against you in court. This is especially true for any statement that could be perceived as threatening. For example, your partner might attempt to obtain a temporary protective order and use a social media post as evidence.

Infidelity and Divorce

In all 50 states, you will be able to file for a no-fault divorce. However, if your partner files for divorce on the grounds of infidelity, any social media posts that indicate that you are in a romantic relationship can be used as evidence that you are unfaithful. Do not discuss any new relationships or upload photos that might suggest you're in a relationship.


Do not use social media to spy on your ex. You will want to stop worrying about what your ex is up to unless you have children or legal matters to handle such as failure to pay alimony. Paying attention to the life of your ex will increase the odds that you will feel like getting into a conflict with your ex.

Do Not Talk About Your Case

Some parties to a divorce have even gone so far as to take a selfie in court. The courts might order you to take the selfie down immediately. Do not discuss your case because you might disclose information that is confidential or information that could be used against you.

Beware of Being Tagged in Posts and Pictures

Even if you try to avoid being on social media, others may tag you and reveal information that might hurt your case. For example, if you were at a party where illegal substances were being used, this may be used as evidence that you are not a fit parent. Encourage those you know to not talk about your case because statements made might make your ex upset and stall your divorce when entering settlement negotiations.

To learn more, contact a family attorney.


26 January 2021

Noni and the Accident

My name is Noni. When I was in college, I was hit by a car while crossing the street. My life was never in danger, but I did break a few bones and had a lot of huge medical bills. I was hoping I wouldn't have to get involved with an attorney, but unfortunately, it came down to that. I used a family friend who is an accident attorney to get some compensation. A few years later, I was hit while riding my bike and had to go through the same process. I suppose I'm lucky to be alive. And it's thanks to accident attorneys that I have been able to put my life back together. I started this blog as a way to let others know just how much lawyers can help you in certain situations.